Open Research Webinar, June 1, 2021

FASTEN is introduced in the Open Research Webinar Series, co-organized by OW2 and the Eclipse Foundation, on June 1, at 4pm, online. This webinar series presents software research projects that are helping to shape the future of open source software and the IT industry and focuses on opportunities for synergizing open source and research. 

Date : June 1, 2021, 4PM CET. 

Speaker: Sebastian Proksch, FASTEN Scientific Leader, TUDelft

Title: FASTEN: Scaling Static Analysis to ecosystems

Abstract: The FASTEN project is developing an intelligent software package management system that will enhance robustness and security in software ecosystems. FASTEN addresses the operational and compliance risks associated with dependencies on networks of external open source software libraries. To solve these issues, FASTEN introduces a fine-grained, method-level, tracking of dependencies on top of existing dependency management networks. FASTEN will support the Java, Python and C languages and will be integrated to the main package managers Pypi and Maven.

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