OW2con'22, June 8-9, 2022, online
Antoine Mottier, OW2 CTO, presented FASTEN in the session All Things Quality.
Presentation Title: FASTEN: rich and accurate dependency management in action
FOSDEM 2022, February 4-5, 2022, online
Amir Mir, TUdelft, presented FASTEN in the Dependency Management Devroom at FOSDEM.
Presentation Title: FASTEN: Making Dependency Management Intelligent
Eclipsecon 2021, October 25-28, online
Antoine Mottier, OW2 CTO, presented FASTEN in the session All Things Quality.
Presentation Title: OSS License compliance within the FASTEN Project
OW2con'21, June 2021, online
Antoine Mottier, OW2 CTO, presented FASTEN in the session All Things Quality.
Presentation Title: Enhanced software dependency management with FASTEN
OSS2021, May 12, 2021, Online
Michele Scarlato, Endocode, presented FASTEN in the INdustrial Track of the OSS2021 conference.
Presentation Title: Taking dependency management to the next level with call graphs!
FOSDEM 2021, February 6-7, Online
Paolo Boldi, University of Milano presented FASTEN in the Devroom "Dependency Management" at FOSDEM 2021.
Presentation Title: "Software Ecosystems as Networks - Advances on the FASTEN project".
SFScon, November 13-14, Bolzano and Online
Paolo Boldi presented FASTEN in the track "Community management and OW2".
Presentation Title: "Software Ecosystems as Networks: Advances on the FASTEN project".
OW2con'20, June 17-18, Online
Amir Mir from TUDelft presented FASTEN in the track "Collaborative R&D Project". Presentation Title: "Intelligent Package Management with FASTEN".
FOSDEM 2020, Brussels
Georgios Gousios Project Technical Leader presented FASTEN in the Devroom session "Dependency Management" coordinated by the FASTEN team. Presentation Title: "Scaling Static Analysis to ecosystems"
SFScon 2019, Bolzano, Italy
FASTEN was presented in the OW2 conference track, by Paolo Boldi, Professor at Milano University. Presentation Title: "Software Ecosystems as networks: The FASTEN project".
Paris Open Source Summit 2019
FASTEN was introduced to open source developers and practitionners participating in Paris Open Source Summit, as well as to other EU-funded projects. Presentation Title: "FASTEN: Intelligent Package Management"
GitHub Industry Meeting
Before discussing potential collaborations, Georgios Gousios, Professor at TUDelft Software Engineering Research Group and FASTEN Project and Scientific Coordinator, offered this Dependancy Management synthesis to 30 GitHub professionals including remote attendees on April 17, 2019. Presentation Title: "The trouble of modern dependency management and what to do about them".