Members of the FASTEN Consortium

The FASTEN project comprises world-leading experts on ecosystem analysis, graph processing, and software risk and compliance assessment, along with established OSS community integrators and managers.


Athens Univ. of Economics and Business Research Center, established in 1983, aims at providing the institutional framework which facilitates and supports the research carried out by Faculty members, in the general fields of economics, management and computing.


Technische Universiteit Delft is the largest and oldest technical public university in Netherlands. The research group involved in the project is the Software Analytics lab of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science.


Universita degli Studi di Milano is a public, multidisciplinary teaching and research institution that offers 8 Faculties, 2 Schools, 136 study courses, 31 Doctoral Programmes and 63 Specialisation Schools. The research is ranked among the best in Italy and Europe. The research group involved in the project is the computer sience department.


Endocode AG is an employee-owned, software engineering company from Berlin with Open Source in mind: "It is only through openness and collaboration that sustainable win-win evolves." Endocode is actively contributing within the open source community and has partnered with organizations such as the Free Software Foundation Europe, Kubernetes, chef, and more.


OW2 is a global open source software community organization. As a non-profit association, its mission is to grow a community of open source code developers and to stress the quality and market usability of its open source code infrastructure software.


Software Improvement Group B.V. is a tool-based software analysis and consulting firm that advises clients on software quality, software risk and software economics. SIG provides and consolidates in-depth technical analysis and management level financial analysis while the research team advances the state of the art in software research.


XWIKI SAS is an open source SME created in 2004 specialized in the development of collaborative solutions for the enterprise. The XWiki open source platform focuses on the development of collaborative applications for editing and sharing information.

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