
5 posts

May 17 2022

Thomas Mortagne, Lead developer, XWiki, Lyon


"The main benefit of FASTEN is to shade light on the sometime very mysterious world that is now taking an important share of what makes your software and help you avoid traps like security vulnerabilities, poor quality of tools components you are critically relying on, potential license infringements and conflicting dependencies.". 

See the full interview.

Jun 10 2020

Diomidis Spinellis, Professor and Head of Department, Athens University


"As of today, software developers know only the part names of the software they are using, but they have little idea how all these fit and work together. If some part has a security vulnerability or other bug and gets fixed, they don’t know if they need to update it or not. Updating it can be expensive, but failing to update it can result in failures. FASTEN is solving this issue by providing a detailed map of how open source software components fit and work together, called a call graph". 

See the full interview.

Feb 20 2020

Giasemi Seisa, Software Engineer, Endocode AG, Berlin


"With FASTEN, the user will be able to have a more concrete overview of the dependencies he will introduce into his code, should he use a specific library..."

See the full interview.

Jul 30 2019

Sebastiano Vigna, Professor, Milano University


"FASTEN wants to track the problems in components down to a very fine-grained level—the function, or method, which is the smallest logically sound and syntactically recognizable unit of aggregation of code." 

See the full interview.

Jun 27 2019

Lodewijk Bergmans, Senior Researcher, SIG, The Netherlands


"Today there are really large ecosystems of software libraries that power our software development industry: virtually no software is developed without using some third-party libraries. The end goal of FASTEN is to enhance the control that application developers have over properties and risks of software libraries they use, powered by a deep analysis of the inner workings of these libraries."
See the full interview.